
The process diagram presents information about how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology gathers,
processes, and distributes information pertaining to the weather. There are three sources of data
and three methods of forecasting information about the weather.
Initially, meteorological data is gathered from a network of satellites, radar stations, and drifting
buoys. The satellites provide photos of the Earth from space, while information from the radar
system and the satellites together produce a radar screen image. Finally, these two sources of
information combine with the drifting buoys to produce a synoptic chart.
Each of these three types of data is then analysed in order to provide a weather forecast. Once the
forecast has been decided upon by the meteorologists, the broadcast is prepared using a computer
system. This is then delivered to the general public via three methods: TV newsreaders, radio
broadcasts, and recorded announcements sent out over the phone system.