
The bar chart shows the amount of electricity that was produced and used in ten different countries
in 2014. It is clear that China both produced and consumed the most electricity, while South Korea
produced and consumed the least.
Of the ten countries, two were runaway leaders in the production and consumption of electricity.
First was China, which surpassed five trillion kWh in both categories, and next was the United States,
which produced a little over four trillion and used a little less than four trillion kWh. This was about
four times the amounts registered by the next country on the list, Russia, which was at about one
trillion for production and consumption. Every other country on the list generated and used less
than one trillion kWh of electricity.
Every country on the list produced more electricity than they used except for Germany, which used
slightly more. They consumed 582.5 billion kWh of electricity, and only generated 526.6 kWh.