
The bar chart compares modes of transportation for people commuting to work in a European city. It
looks at data from a forty-year period, beginning in 1960 and ending in 2000. There were significant
changes during this time.
In 1960, the most popular means of getting to work was by walking, with nearly 35% of people
choosing to go on foot. Similarly, a quarter of people chose to cycle to work. These methods were
far more popular than taking a car, which only about 5% of people did.
These data saw a complete reversal over the next forty years, with walking and cycling falling in
popularity, while driving skyrocketed to become the most common method of commuting. By 2000,
the figures for these three methods had nearly inverted.
Buses, on the other hand, started and ended the period at around the same level, although they
spiked in popularity in 1980, briefly being the chosen type of transport for about a quarter of people.